This would be the second time I've made these; the first time I hadn't made this blog just yet, but now I can post it! I found this recipe on Pintrest from the Six Sister's Stuff blog:
I did a few things differently, so here's the modified recipe I used
Cake Batter Truffles
prep time: 15 min
crafting time: approximately 1-2 hours
servings: makes around 15-20, depending on the size of your balls.
Cake Batter:
1 1/2 cups flour
1 cup Funfetti cake mix (original recipe asked for yellow)

1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
1/2 cup white sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/8 tsp salt
4-5 tbsp milk
Truffle Coating:
16 oz (8 squares) almond bark (or vanilla candy coating)
4 tbsp cake mix
Cream butter and sugar together. Add cake mix, flour, salt, and vanilla and mix thoroughly. Add 3 tbsp of the milk and mix, adding another tablespoon one at a time until the batter is about right. You'll know if it sticks together and can be formed into shapes. If desired, mix in sprinkles (if using Funfetti, that's already taken care of ;D). Roll dough into one inch balls and place on a parchment or wax paper lined cookie sheet.
Since I'm a poor college student who is almost done for the semester, I tried just lightly flouring a surface instead of parchment or wax paper. Chill the balls in the refrigerator to firm them up, approximately 30 minutes.
I could only find Kroger brand candy coating, which came in a nice, microwavable pan!

While dough balls are chilling, melt almond bark or candy melts as the package instructs. Stir in the extra cake mix (here's where the Funfetti isn't that fun, unless you want sprinkles mixed into your coating :/)
If you want to make cake pops instead of truffles, here's what you need to do: Stick one end of the lollipop sticks into the coating and then insert it into the balls.
I also find that it helps to add a little more coating in the surrounding area as extra reinforcement for them to hold together. Refrigerate them. Once all the balls are ready, dip them into the coating and try to shake of excess if you can. Note that depending on how cold your cake batter is, your coating will start to harden after a while and might need another 30 seconds in the microwave after a few truffles. If you don't want cake pops, use a fork. Chill the finished truffles. Something I noticed was that if you accidentally leave any uncovered parts of the batter, it expands and start squeeze itself out of the hole. What I did was since I had extra, I would just dip that little section into the coating and hope that would be enough.

My awesome, make-shift pop holder. Notice that my recipe sadly does not make the most round and perfect cake batter truffle, but I'm slowly starting to get the hang of this and hopefully you will too.
Enjoy. I must warn you, they're very sweet :D